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82. X. Zhao, X. Hu* and J. Zi, "Fast water waves in stationary surface disk arrays", Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 254501 (2021).

81. J. Du, Y. Luo, X. Zhao, X. Sun, Y. Song and X. Hu*, "Design of Broadband Infrared Photodetectors Enhanced by Dual-Mode Plasmonic Resonant Cavities", Plasmonics (2021). DOI: 10.1007/s11468-021-01552-0

80. J. Du, Y. Luo, X. Zhao, X. Sun, Y. Song and X. Hu*, "Bilayer ventilated labyrinthine metasurfaces with high sound absorption and tunable bandwidth", Sci. Rep. 11, 5829 (2021).

79. H. Chen, H. Zhu, Y. Wang, J. Liu, Y. Wang, X. Hu*, A. A. Solovev, G. Huang,* and Y. Mei, "Structural Coloration by Internal Reflection and Interference in Hydrogel Microbubbles and Their Precursors", Adv. Opt. Mat. 9, 2100259 (2021).

78. 杜佳远,赵锌宇,胡新华*,"人工微结构薄层红外探测器的研究进展(特邀)",红外与激光工程, Vol. 50, 20211002 (2021).

77. T. Wang, Y. Wu, L. Shi, X. Hu, M. Chen, and L. Wu, "A structural polymer for highly efficient all-day passive radiative cooling", Nat. Commun. 12, 365 (2021).


76. X. Shen, J. Du, J. Sun, J. Guo, X. Hu* and C. Wang*, "Transparent and UV Blocking Structural Colored Hydrogel for Contact Lenses", ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12(35), 39639-39648 (2020)

75. N. Jiang, Y. Song, J. Du, X. Zhao, X. Sun, and X. Hu*, "Upper bound of efficiency for Smith-Purcell emission and evanescent-to-propagating wave conversion in metal-groove metasurfaces", OSA Continuum 3, 1608 (2020). Download


74. Y. Song, J. Du, N. Jiang, X. Zhao, X. Sun, Y. Cui, and X. Hu*, "Strong collimated emission enhancement by acoustic metasurfaces", Phys. Rev. Appl. 12, 054012 (2019).

73. X. Shi*, Y. Sun, C. Xue, and X. Hu*, "Prediction of interface states in liquid surface waves with one-dimensional modulation", Phys. Lett. A 383, 2016 (2019).


72. Y. Song, N. Jiang, L. Liu, X. Hu*, and J. Zi*, "Cherenkov Radiation from Photonic Bound States in the Continuum: Towards Compact Free-Electron Lasers", Phys. Rev. Appl. 10, 064026 (2018).

71. Y. Song, J. Du, N. Jiang, L. Liu, X. Hu*, "Efficient terahertz and infrared Smith–Purcell radiation from metal-slot metasurfaces", Opt. Lett. 43, 3858 (2018).

70. Y. Zhang, X. Hu*, S. W. Wang, B. Zhang*, L. Shi, X. Liu, J. Zi, and W. Lu*, "High transparent mid-infrared silicon “window” decorated with amorphous photonic structures fabricated by facile phase separation", Opt. Exp. 26, 18734 (2018).

69. H. Chang, L. Liu, Y. Song, C. Zhang, and X. Hu*, "Design and fabrication of low-loss antireflection structures for Si windows in 10–30 THz", AIP Adv. 8, 055328 (2018).

68. H. Chang, L. Liu, C. Zhang, and X. Hu*, "Broadband high sound absorption from labyrinthine metasurfaces", AIP Adv. 8, 045115 (2018).


67. J. Wang, D. Han, A. Chen, Y. Dai, M. Zhou, X. Hu, Z. Yu, X. Liu, L. Shi, and J. Zi, "Using active gain to maximize light absorption", Phys. Rev. B 96, 195419 (2017).

66. L. Liu, H. Chang, C. Zhang, and X. Hu*, "Terahertz and infrared Smith-Purcell radiation from Babinet metasurfaces: Loss and efficiency", Phys. Rev. B 96, 165435 (2017).

65. L. Liu, H. Chang, C. Zhang, and X. Hu*, "Single-channel labyrinthine metasurfaces as perfect sound absorbers with tunable bandwidth", Appl. Phys. Lett. 11, 083503 (2017).

64. L. Liu, H. Chang, T. Xu, Y. Song, C. Zhang, Z. H. Hang, and X. Hu*, "Achieving low-emissivity materials with high transmission for broadband radio-frequency signals", Sci. Rep. 7, 4840, (2017).


63. C. Zhang and X. Hu*, "Three-Dimensional Single-Port Labyrinthine Acoustic Metamaterial: Perfect Absorption with Large Bandwidth and Tunability", Phys. Rev. Appl. 6, 064025, (2016).

62. Q. Guo, C. Zhang, and X. Hu*, "A spiral plasmonic lens with directional excitation of surface plasmons", Sci. Rep. 6, 32345, (2016).


61. H. Chang, C. Zhang, F. Zhao, and X. Hu*, "Antireflection Coatings on Au Plasmonic Gratings for Infrared Photodetection", Plasmonics 10, 1519, (2015).


60. C. Zhang, C. T. Chan, and X. Hu*, "Broadband focusing and collimation of water waves by zero refractive index", Sci. Rep. 4, 6979, (2014).

59. L. Peng, S. C. Han, and X. H. Hu, "Photocurrent enhancement mechanisms in bilayer nanofilm-based ultraviolet photodetectors made from ZnO and ZnS spherical nanoshells", Nano. Res. Lett. 9, 388 (2014).

58. C. X. Song, F. Liu, Y. H. Hao, X. H. Hu, Y. F. Zhang and X. H. Liu, "Multilayer manipulated diffraction in flower beetles Torynorrhina flammea: intraspecific structural colouration variation", J. Opt. 16, 105302 (2014).

57. F. Zhao, C. Zhang, H. Chang, and X. Hu*, "Design of Plasmonic Perfect Absorbers for Quantum-well Infrared Photodetection", Plasmonics, DOI 10.1007/s11468-014-9755-7 (2014).

56. T. Zhan, D. Han, X. Hu, X. Liu, S. T. Chui, and J. Zi, "Tunable terahertz radiation from graphene induced by moving electrons", Phys. Rev. B 89, 245434 (2014).

55. P. Yang, F. Zhao, J. Ding, J. Guo, W. Shi, C. Wang*, and X. Hu*, "Bubble-in-Bubble Strategy for High-Quality Ultrasound Imaging with a Structure Coupling Effect", Chem. Mater. 26, 2121 (2014).


54. C. Zhang, H. Chang, F. Zhao, and X. Hu*, "Design principle of Au grating couplers for quantum-well infrared photodetectors", Opt. Lett. 38, 4037 (2013).

53. H. Liu, L. Hu, K. Watanabe, X. Hu, B. Dierre, B. Kim, T. Sekiguchi, and X. Fang, "Cathodoluminescence modulation of ZnS nanostructures by morphology, doping, and temperature", Adv. Funct. Mater. 23, 3701 (2013).

52. X. Hu*, J. Yang, J. Zi*, C. T. Chan, and K. M. Ho, "Experimental Observation of Negative Effective Gravity in Water Waves", Sci. Rep. 3, 1916 (2013).

51. F. Liu, W. Shi, X. Hu, and B. Dong, "Hybrid structures and optical effects in Morpho scales with thin and thick coatings using an atomic layer deposition method", Opt. Communications. 291, 416 (2013).

50. Z. Xu, W. Qu, R. Gao, X. Hu, and Y. Xiao, "Linewidth of electromagnetically induced transparency under motional averaging in a coated vapor cell", Chinese Physics B 22, 033202 (2013).


49. C. Ouyang, D. Han, F. Zhao, X. Hu*, X. Liu, and J. Zi*, "Wideband trapping of light by edge states in honeycomb photonic crystals", J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24, 492203 (2012).

48. T. R. Zhan, F. Y. Zhao, X. H. Hu, X. H. Liu, and J. Zi, "Band structure of plasmons and optical absorption enhancement in graphene on subwavelength dielectric gratings at infrared frequencies", Phys. Rev. B 86, 165416 (2012).

47. F. Zhao, T. Zhan, G. Huang, Y. Mei*, and X. Hu*, "Liquid sensing capability of rolled-up tubular optical microcavities: a theoretical study", Lab Chip 12, 3798 (2012).

46. L. Hu, M. Chen, W. Shan, T. Zhan, M. Liao, X. Fang, X. Hu, L. Wu, "Stacking-order-dependent optoelectronic properties of bilayer nanofilm photodetectors made from hollow ZnS and ZnO microspheres", Adv. Mater. 24, 5872 (2012).

45. W. Guo, C. Liu, F. Zhao, X. Sun, Z. Yang, T. Chen, X. Chen, L. Qiu, X. Hu, H. Peng, "A novel electromechanical actuation mechanism of a carbon nanotube fiber", Adv. Mater. 24, 5379 (2012).

44. J. Wang, T. Zhan, G. Huang*, X. Cui, X. Hu*, and Y. Mei*, "Tubular oxide microcavity with high-index-contrast walls: Mie scattering theory and 3D confinement of resonant modes", Opt. Express 20, 18555 (2012).

43. W. Li, G. Huang, H. Yan, J. Wang, Y. Yu, X. Hu, X. Wu, and Y. Mei, "Fabrication and stimuli-responsive behavior of flexible micro-scrolls", Soft Matter 8, 3103 (2012).

42. L. Hu, L. Wu, M. Liao, X. Hu, and X. Fang, "Electrical transport properties of large, individual NiCo2O4 nanoplates", Adv. Funct. Mater. 22, 998 (2012).


41. T. Zhan, C. Xu, F. Zhao, Z. Xiong, X. Hu*, G. Huang, Y. Mei*, and J. Zi, "Optical resonances in tubular microcavities with subwavelength wall thicknesses", Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 211104 (2011).

40. B. Dong, T. Zhan, X. Liu, B. Dong, L. Jiang, F. Liu, X. Hu, and J. Zi, "Optical response of a disordered bicontinuous macroporous structure in the longhorn beetle Sphingnotus mirabilis", Phys. Rev. E. 84, 011915 (2011).

39. C. Ouyang, Z. Xiong, F. Zhao, B. Dong, X. Hu*, X. Liu, and J. Zi, "Slow light with low group-velocity dispersion at the edge of photonic graphene", Phys. Rev. A. 84, 015801 (2011).

38. X. Hu*, C. T. Chan, K. M. Ho, and J. Zi, "Negative Effective Gravity in Water Waves by Periodic Resonator Arrays", Phys. Rev. Lett 106, 174501 (2011).

37. F. Liu, B. Dong, F. Zhao, X. Hu*, X. Liu, and J. Zi, "Ultranegative angular dispersion of diffraction in quasiordered biophotonic structures", Opt. Express 19, 7750 (2011).

36. F. Liu*, Y. Liu, L. Huang, X. Hu*, B. Dong, W. Shi, Y. Xie, and X. Ye, "Replication of homologous optical and hydrophobic features by templating wings of butterflies Morpho menelaus", Opt. Communications 284, 2376 (2011).


35. Z. Xiong, F. Zhao, J. Yang, and X. Hu*, "Comparison of optical absorption in Si nanowire and nanoporous Si structures for photovoltaic applications", Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 181903 (2010).

34. Z. Liu, X. Liang, X. Jiang, X. Hu, X. Li, and J. Zi, "Hyper-interface, the bridge between radiative wave and evanescent wave", Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 113507 (2010).

33. J. Yang, X. Hu*, X. Li, Z. Liu, Z. Liang, and J. Zi, "Cancellation of reflection and transmission at metamaterial surfaces", Opt. Lett. 35, 16 (2010).


32. J. Yang, X. Hu*, X. Li, Z. Liu, Z. Liang, X. Jiang, and J. Zi, "Broadband absorption enhancement in anisotropic metamaterials by mirror reflections", Phys. Rev. B 80, 125103 (2009).

31. J. Yang, Y. F. Tang, C. F. Ouyang, X. Hu, X. H. Liu, and J. Zi, "Observation of the focusing of liquid surface waves", Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 094106 (2009).

30. Z. Ye, X. Hu, M. Li, K. M. Ho, J. Cao, and M. Miyawaki, "Localized optical orbital approach to study localized states of light in photonic crystals", Phys. Rev. B 80, 035111 (2009).

29. F. Q. Wu, D. Z. Han, X. Hu*, X. H. Liu, and J. Zi*, "Complete surface plasmon-polariton band gap and gap-governed waveguiding, bending and splitting", J. Phys. Condens. Mat. 21, 85010 (2009).


28. X. Hu, M. Li, Z. Ye, W.Y. Leung, K. M. Ho, and S.Y. Lin, "Design of midinfrared photodetectors enhanced by resonant cavities with subwavelength metallic gratings", Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 241108 (2008).

27. P. Kohli, J. Chatterton, D. Stieler, G. Tuttle, M. Li, X. Hu, Z. Ye, and K. M. Ho, "Fine tuning resonant frequencies for a single cavity defect in three-dimensional layer-by-layer photonic crystal", Opt. Express 16, 19844 (2008).

26. X. Hu, K. M. Ho , C. T. Chan, and J. Zi, "Homogenization of acoustic metamaterials of Helmholtz resonators in fluid", Phys. Rev. B 77, 172301 (2008).

25. M. Li, X. Hu, Z. Ye, K. M. Ho, J. Cao, and M. Miyawaki, "Perfectly matched layer absorption boundary condition in planewave based transfer-scattering matrix method for photonic crystal device simulation", Opt. Express 16, 11548 (2008).

24. X. Hu, J. Cao, M. Li, Z. Ye, M. Miyawaki, and K. M. Ho, "Modeling of three-dimensional photonic crystal lasers in a frequency domainA scattering matrix solution", Phys. Rev. B 77, 205104 (2008).


23. X. Hu, J. Cao, M. Li, Z. Ye, M. Miyawaki, and K. M. Ho, "Gain-scattering-matrix method for photonic crystal laser simulations", SPIE, Conference on Active Photonic Crystals, I6400 (2007).

22. J. W. Dong, X. Hu, and H. Z. Wang, "Existing conditions of full bandgaps and absolute negative refraction in metallic-dielectric photonic crystal", Chin. Phys. 16, 1057 (2007).


21. Z. Ye, X. Hu, M. Li, K. M. Ho, and P. Yang, "Propagation of guided modes in curved nanoribbon waveguides", Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 241108 (2006).

20. M. Li, X. Hu, Z. Ye, K. M. Ho, J. Cao, and M. Miyawaki, "High-order transfer matrix method used in three-dimensional photonic crystal coupled-resonator array simulation", Opt. Lett. 31, 3498 (2006).

19. X. Hu, and K.M. Ho, "Brewster angle phenomenon in two-dimensional metallic photonic crystals and its application to polarization beam splitting", Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 201906 (2006).

18. X. Hu, C.T. Chan, J. Zi, M. Li, and K.M. Ho, "Diamagnetic response of metallic photonic crystals at infrared and visible frequencies", Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 223901 (2006).

17. Y. Tang, Y. Shen, J. Yang, X. Liu, J. Zi, and X. Hu, "Omnidirectional total reflection for liquid surface waves propagating over a bottom with one-dimensional periodic undulations", Phys. Rev. E 73, 035302 (R) (2006).

16. X. Hu, Z. Hang, J. Li, J. Zi, and C.T. Chan, "Anomalous Doppler effects in phononic band gaps", Phys. Rev. E 73, 015602 (R) (2006).


15. X. Hu and C.T. Chan, "Refraction of water waves by periodic cylinder arrays" Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 154501 (2005). (Highlighted by Nature 437, 1068 (2005), Physics Web, Popular Science, and Iran Daily.)

14. X. Hu, C.T. Chan, and J. Zi, "Two-dimensional sonic crystals with Helmholtz resonators", Phys. Rev. E 71, 055601 (R) (2005).


13. X. Hu and C.T. Chan, "Photonic crystals with silver nanowires as a near-infrared superlens (vol 85, pg 1520, 2004) ", Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 5472 (2004) .

12. X. Hu and C.T. Chan, "Photonic crystals with silver nanowires as a near-infrared superlens", Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 1520 (2004).

11. X. Hu, Y. Shen, X. Liu, R. Fu, and J. Zi, "Superlensing effect in liquid surface waves", Phys. Rev. E 69, 030201 (R) (2004).(Highlighted by Nature 428, 713 (2004)


10. X. Hu, Y. Shen, X. Liu, R. Fu, and J. Zi, "Complete band gaps for liquid surface waves propagating over a periodically drilled bottom", Phys. Rev. E 68, 066308 (2003).

9. X. Hu, X. Xi, Y. Li, C. Xu, X. Wang, X. Liu, R. Fu, and J. Zi, "Effects of disorder on group velocity in one-dimensional photonic crystals", Jap. J. Appl. Phys.42, 163 (2003).

8. C. Xu, X. Hu, Y. Li, X. Liu, R. Fu, and J. Zi, " Semiconductor-based tunable photonic crystals by means of an external magnetic field ", Phy. Rev. B 68, 193201 (2003) .

7. J. Zi, X. Yu, Y. Li, X. Hu, C. Xu, X. Wang, X. Liu and R. Fu, "Coloration strategies in peacock feathers", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS USA) 100, 12576 (2003). (Highlighted by New York Times, Scientific American, and Physics today.)

6. X. Hu, Y. Shen, X. Liu, R. Fu, J. Zi, X. Jiang, and S. Feng, "Band structures and band gaps of surface waves propagating through an infinite array of cylinders", Phys. Rev. E 68, 37301 (2003).


5. Y. Xi, X. Wang, X. Hu, X. Liu, and J. Zi, " Modification of absorption of a bulk material by photonic crystals", Chin. Phys. Lett. 19, 1819 (2002).

4. X. Hu and J. Zi, "Reconstruction of phonon dispersion in Si nanocrystals", J. Phys. Condens. Mat. 14, 671 (2002).

3. S. L. Zhang, X. Hu, H. Li, J. Shi, K.T. Yue, J. Zi, Z. Gu, X. Wu, Z. Lian, Y. Zhan, F. Huang, L. Zhou, Y. Zhang, and S. Iijima, " Abnormal anti-Stokes Raman scattering of carbon nanotubes", Phys. Rev. B 66, 35413 (2002).

2. X. Wang, X. Hu, Y. Li, W. Jia, C. Xu, X. Liu, and J. Zi, " Enlargement of omnidirectional total reflection frequency range in one-dimensional photonic crystals by using photonic heterostructures", Appl. Phys. Lett. 80, 4291 (2002).


1. X. Hu, G. Wang, W. Wu, P. Jiang, and J. Zi, "The vibrational density of states and specific heat of Si nanocrystals", J. Phys. Condens. Mat. 13, 835 (2001).